Bauhaus Archive / Boutique SNCF / Café Drechsler / Design Weekend in São Paulo / Die Schönsten Franzosen kommen aus New York / DMY Berlin - Milano / DMY Design Festival Berlin / DMY South America Tour / Euroluce / Gallery S. Bensimon / Helsinki Design Week / ICFF / Instant Stories / Interieur Fair / Lightable / Light+Building / Louvre Museum / MAK / Mono / Peter Live / Organisation in Design / Poetry Happens / Qubique / Quinze&Milan / Salone del Mobile / Salone Satellite / Spazio Krizia / The War of the Lights / Ventura Bar / Ventura Lambrate / Wohnmunition
Atamé / Babel / Caddy / Herbert / La Discrète / Light au Lait / Light au Lait Color / Minikin / Miss Marble / Pill / Switch & Dimm / TamTam 3+5 / Tam Tam 4+6 / TamTam Mini / Tam Tam P1+P3 / TamTam Wall / Tools - Dear Ron / Tools - Table / Tools - Clamp / Tools 1/100 / Tools Original #1 / Tools Original #2 / Tools Original #3 / Yokozuna
all photos by courtesy of ett la benn
Bauhaus Archive, Berlin, 2011 / DMY Design Festival, Poetry Happens, Berlin, 2011 / Ventura Lambrate, Poetry Happens, Milan, 2011
Poetry Happens at the DMY, Berlin, 2011
After a fantastic week in Milan, the DMY kindly invited us to exhibit at the Berlin Design Festival in the amazing hall of the Tempelhof Airport.
On this occasion, Tools was nominated for the DMY Design Award.
Participants: Apparatu/Mashallah,Werner Aisslinger, Mark Braun, Fabien Dumas, e27, ett la benn, Formfjord, Harald Gottschling, Mathias Hahn, Jerszy Seymour, Studio Makkink&Bey, Marre Moerel, Clemens Tissi, Maria Volokhova
June 1st – June 5th
Berlin Tempelhof Airport
Platz der Luftbrücke 5
12101 Berlin, Germany